Becky came to visit this weekend. This was part of her west coast grad school visit tour. Sadly, she was only able to stay for a single night before heading back home.
We went out to dinner to one of my favorite restaurants, Green Street Restaurant. I once again had my favorite, fattening Monte Cristo sandwich. We then took off to the Hotel Cafe to see Dave Lowensohn from the Speech Writers LLC. We were way too early!
Since I needed cash and we had plenty of time before Dave came on stage, we walked around LA/Hollywood to find a Bank of America. On our way back we played with a fountain (see picture below) and went into the Amoeba Record Store. I was looking for a Low vs. Diamond CD, but they were sold out.

Right before we made it back to the Hotel Cafe we saw two interesting things. First a store that sold only a handful of t-shirts (see picture below). This was the entire store, just a few t-shirts. Our guess is that they only way that this store keeps in business (at a high rent location) is that each t-shirt must be ridiculously overpriced.

Second we saw a pirate. A guy posed as a pirate statue by standing still as we walked past him, only to scare us later. Fun times. Ask Becky for pirate pictures.
We finally made it back, still a bit too early. We caught the last few songs from Anahita. Her voice was beautiful, but I really could not get into her music. This was a her record release show it had a good turn out. After she was done, not many people stayed to watch David. Below is a short video I was able to take before a staff member asked me to put away the camera.
Since Becky was tired we did not end up staying for the last person on stage and went back home. We were in bed by midnight. It was had been a long day.
Around 3am I heard the wind hollowing outside and then heard a huge crash that woke me up. I got up and looked out the window and saw nothing and went back to bed. Early in the morning as we were getting ready to leave, my landlord knocks on my door asking me to move my car to allow for cleanup. Confused, I stepped outside to see this:

Apparently that crash I heard last night was the wind uprooting this tree and and crashing into the adjacent brick shed. Luckily no apartments were damaged.
I blame Becky. That tree has been there for decades and the one time she stays over it falls over. Without her twin, her destructive power unleashes.
We took the train this morning to Union Station and she took the LAX Flyway Shuttle. I was this close to ditching class and leaving with her. Now I'm in class blogging about my wishes to escape somewhere exotic. Sad.
More pictures from the show and the tree damage can be found HERE.