So many things to write, so little time. Finals is sucking away all my time, but I wanted to write a quickie.
When writing an apology to a woman I suggest starting with this:
"California Civil Code section 1577 describes a mistake as "an unconscious ignorance or forgetfulness of a fact past or present, [that is] material..."
Allow me to illustrate it's use. Say for example you got caught cheating on your girlfriend. Then you could write her the following:
"My cheating was not a mistake, and this is supported by California law. The fact that you were my girlfriend at the time I was having sex with that other woman was not an 'unconscious ignorance or forgetfulness of a fact.' I remembered, fully conscious, but she was so much hotter than you. Because legally this was not a mistake I made , it really must your fault. However, because I love you so much I am willing to apologize although I don't need to. I'm sorry. Wanna do it?"
No woman can resist taking you back after reading such a note.