The bulk of the New Year's Eve I spent hunting for needed components for Becky's present(s). I learned that finding roses in Pasadena on this day is near impossible (because of the Rose Parade) and expensive. Finding a farmer's market on this day also proved to be difficult. I ended up making her a basket full of fruits and vegetables. My only regret is that I did not take a picture of the basket once I was done. She loved it. I also spent a large part of this day walking down Colorado Boulevard looking at the people camping out for the parade, even saw a birdie (see below).

Although I did not do what I planned for new year's it was still a great night. I did not end up going to San Francisco for New Year's because my host was having personal problems and withdrew her invite. Instead Miriam and Nate and I attended an LPN event at Cicada in downtown L.A. I invited them to come over to my place for New Year's Eve so we could have a couple of drinks before heading out and take advantage of the train into downtown which was going to be running all night. I was lucky to witness their midnight kiss below:

They spend the night and I made them breakfast, and they fell asleep on my couch (so cute!):

That day I drove up to Santa Barbara to surprise Becky with her presents. We spend the weekend together. I won't go into details for the entire weekend because nobody cares, but here are some highlights: eventually we got back down to LA for an REI used sale and ice skating at Pershing Square, we also went to Santa Monica to a vegan restaurant (RFD), and Office Space.
Sunday night I ended up going out again with Miriam and Nate to bowl at the new Lucky Strikes at LA Live in downtown. This is a really cool place, and make me glad that I live in LA. Nate and I bowling below:

Fast forward and my first day of class (intercession) today. I actually enjoyed today, it was a great class. For some odd reason I find myself very happy right now. I finished my leisure book. I have to read a lot for school and have to do work related stuff, but all of this gives me a sense of purpose and belonging.
I think I might actually do new year's resolutions this year (I usually don't). More on that later.
So yeah, in conclusion ... great year thus far. May God bless my future and the future of all my friends.